Select illustrations for other 'Beauty and the Beast' versions

Select illustrations for other 'Beauty and the Beast' versions
Walter Crane (1874)

Who were the greatest illustrators of children's books during the golden age of the late 19th century/early 20th century? Below is a selection of English illustrators:

Walter Crane
Arthur Rackham
Randolph Caldecot, after whom the Caldecot Medal is named
John Tenniel of Alice in Wonderland fame
Charles Robinson
John Dickson Patten
Edmund Dulac, who was French but lived in England
Kate Greenaway

Walter Crane (1874)
Walter Crane (1874)
Walter Crane (1874)
Edmund Dulac (1910)
Edmund Dulac (1910)

Other important illustrators of children's books who tried their hand at the story included Anne Anderson and W. Heath Robinson.

Finally, an unorthodox satirical version. This is Henri Rousseau's effort La Belle et la BĂȘte in 1910.

Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection, Berlin