Salome in modern paintings

This is Salome, as painted by Bavarian painter Franz von Stuck in 1906 when she was very much in vogue because of Mahler's opera the previous year. Presumably, she is winding up the Dance of the Seven Veils at this point. Von Stuck's paintings would later be admired by Hitler.

Salome, as painted by Bavarian painter Franz von Stuck in 1906 when she was very much in vogue because of Mahler's opera the previous year. Von Stuck's paintings would later be admired by Hitler.

Henri Regnault's 1870 version is below, but it seems to be without a head. Regnault was killed shortly afterwards in the Franco-Prussian War.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

This is one of Gustave Moreau's many contributions to the Salome genre, The Apparition, in 1876:

Musée d'Orsay

Also check out Klimt here.